Thursday, September 17, 2009

Ginataang suso (Escargot)

One of the Filipino Dishes my husband loves and can devour in 1 sitting except the shells ofcourse hihihi...


500 grams suso ( black shell, found in rivers)
saluyot (jute leaves)
okra (5 pieces), sliced
coconut milk ( extracted from 1 coconut)
2 medium onions, sliced

3 cloves garlic, minced
2 pc chili (green or siling haba)

salt and pepper to taste

Pre-cooking Procedure

1. Extract coconut milk from its meat twice. Separate the first extract into a container from the second.

2. Slice all vegetables

3. clean suso in water to remove the residues and crack a small opening on the closed end of the snail.

Make sure for the crack not to be too big or else you won't be able to suck out the meat once cooked due to the big air passage created.

Cooking Procedure

1. Bring to boil coconut milk (second extract) with garlic and onions, until it becomes thick.

3. Add suso shells , bring to boil.

5.. Add saluyot and okra, bring to boil or until tender

6. Add the first coconut milk (first extract).

7.Add chili, bring to boil

7. Add salt and pepper to taste

* if you opt to use the coconut milk in can skip step # 6.