Saturday, September 19, 2009

Leche flan (creme brulee filipino version)

A lot of people assume that this recipe is complicated.
But it uses very few ingredients, you just have to be very careful with the procedure.
I will try to add an image next time.


caramel (at the bottom of the pan)
white sugar

if using the llanera ( oval shaped aluminum pan)use 2 tbsp sugar
if using round aluminum pan , 2 inches in diameter use 2 tsp sugar.

leche flan mixture

6 egg yolks
2 whole eggs
1 can condensed milk (300ml/390grams)
1 can evaporated milk (12 oz/ 354ml)
1 tbsp vanilla


for the caramel
1. place sugar (check measurement in the ingedients part) in the pan.
2. heat on top of a stove using very low heat.

The idea is to caramelize the sugar but not burn it. Too high heat will instantly turn your sugar to very dark brown or black which is very bitter.We do not want that.
Use pliers or thongs to hold the pan while caramelizing the sugar so you can even out the heat all thorough out the pan.
If you see the sugar boiling remove it from heat and swirl the sugar by moving the pan from side to side.
Once the sugar has liquefied already, no more solid sugar and has turned into golden brown,
remove it from the heat and set aside.

Let cool. It will look like hard candy coating the bottom of your pan.
The candy like coating will have a tendency to crack once cooled; its normal.

for the leche flan

1. place egg yolks, whole egg in a bowl and whisk
2. combine the condensed and evaporated milk with the whisked egg.
3. mix.
4. remove lumps of eggs (it's normal to have some egg lumps in the mixture, but make sure to remove them).
5. strain the mixture in a cheesecloth (katsa) or a very fine strainer.
6. fill the pans (the once prepared with caramel already )) 3/4 full. with the mixture.

Cooking directions
using a stove top steamer
1. Cook in a steamer for 30-40 minutes or until firm.

1.Place filled pans on a larger pan with water (water height should be half of your leche flan pan) in an oven pre-heated with 350F temp.
2. Cook for 1hour or until firm.

Tip: Do not fully close the steamer or cover of the pan. It will cause the leche flan mixture to boil and will not turn out smooth.
Boiling of the mixture will result to scrambled egg-like consisitency.